Грамматика английского языка

Вопросы к экзаменупо стилистике английского языка

1. Теоретический вопрос

1. The subject of Stylistics. Stylistics of the language. Stylistics of speech. Stylistics and other linguistic disciplines. Basic notions of stylistics

2. The notion of expressive means. Morphological expressive means. Word-building expressive means. Lexical expressive means. Syntactical expressive means

3. The notion of a stylistic device. Classification of expressive means (EM) and stylistic devices (SD)

4. Phonetic EM and SD: onomatopoeia, alliteration.

5. Phonetic EM and SD: rhyme, rhythm.

6. Lexical EM and SD: Interaction of dictionary and contextual logical meanings (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony)

7. Lexical EM and SD: Interaction of primary and derivative meanings (polysemy, zeugma and pun).

8. Lexical EM and SD: C. The opposition of logical and emotive meanings (interjections and exclamatory words, epithet, oxymoron)

9. Lexical EM and SD: Interaction of Logical and Nominal Meanings (Antonomasia)

10. Lexical EM and SD: Interaction between two lexical meanings simultaneous­ly materialized in the context (simile, periphrasis)

11. Lexical EM and SD: Interaction between two lexical meanings simultaneous­ly materialized in the context (euphemism, hyperbole, understatement, litotes)

12. Stable word combinations in their interaction with the context (Clichés, Proverbs and sayings, Epigrams, Quotations, Allusions, Decomposition of set phrases, Paradoxes)

13. Syntactical EM and SD: Compositional Patterns of Syntactical Arrangement (Stylistic inversion; detached constructions; parenthesis)

14. Syntactical EM and SD: Compositional Patterns of Syntactical Arrangement (parallel construction; chiasmus; repetition)

15. Syntactical EM and SD: Compositional Patterns of Syntactical Arrangement (enumeration; suspense; climax; anticlimax; antithesis)

16. Syntactical EM and SD: 1. Particular ways of Combining Parts of the Utterance (Polysyndeton; Asyndeton; The ‘Gap-Sentence’ Link)

17. Syntactical EM and SD: Peculiar Use of Colloquial Constructions (Ellipsis; Break-in-the-narrative; Question -in-the-narrative; Represented speech)

18. Syntactical EM and SD: Transferred Use of Structural Meaning. Rhetorical Questions.

19. Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary: Words of the neutral layer. Words of literary layer (a) Common literary words, b) Terms and learned words, c) Poeticisms or poetic words, d) Archaisms or archaic words, e) Foreign words and barbarisms)

20. Stylistic classification of the English vocabulary: Words of the colloquial layer (a) Colloquialisms or common colloquial words, b) Slang, c) Jargonisms, d) Professional words or professionalisms, e) Vulgarisms, f) Regional dialectisms)

21. Notes on Functional stylistics. Style. Language varieties

22. The style of official documents

23. Scientific/academic style

24. Publicist (media) style

25. Literary colloquial style

26. Familiar colloquial style

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